Set on an imaginary Caribbean island, this almost-detective story spins into a vibrant protest against femicide and domestic abuse. Like a call to arms, caught up in the women’s passionate anger and fragile hope, I was ready to join them! Somehow, the men avoid becoming the villains, instead portrayed with empathy, and the book resonates with the many systemic issues at play: colonialism and slavery, violence and poverty, race and gender.
This raw and intense novel is a surreal, visceral and exhilarating read. It explores identity, sex and rebellion in an unconventional and experimental style that includes text, drawings, letters, poetry and dream visions. Fans of punk culture and feminist literature will love this book but expect your boundaries to be pushed to the limit!
Everyone on the platform is on their way to nights out. Maggie feels glum. It's as if the people of London have converged on the city's parks, beer gardens, and street corners to revel in the great collective joys of being alive, everyone but you, they seem to say, you loner, squanderer, you who stares longingly at the laughing groups of youths in London Fields.
This, she thinks, is the crux of it. The crux of it is that she wants to go to a party.
A witty English version of noir will take you down the recognisable streets of London and Brighton. It’s surprisingly warm and builds the tension as you’ll start to care for the world-weary protagonist’s survival. Full of unexpected observations of people and what they wear, or drive, or eat, it’s a rich and funny read. It was over before I was ready so I turned back and savoured it more slowly second time through.
This book made a strong impression on me. As I see it, this story is an homage to people who, in times of destruction and violence, strive to keep their humanity and tolerance of those around them. This is the lot of the nameless man who tells his life’s story in this dystopian tale. We walk beside him as he tries to survive the heat and the greed of others - the ones who were responsible for the terrible situation the earth is in.
You’d think six people on a space station would be a novel of claustrophobia and tension but this is quite unexpectedly different. The focus goes in and out from the personal to the universal in a way that you don’t notice the difference. I found it miraculous that something so short could deliver such a mind-opening and ultimately calming experience. A rare treat.
A symphony in three parts: understated, very passionate and held-back prose. I witnessed restraint, tension, non-communication, loneliness, sexuality, the search for identity, recognition, remorse, and more. The story captures a time in which the aftermath of WWII is still very present. A very cleverly written tale which made me realise how ignorance and reticence can distort reality and, sadly, destroy trust.
I’m not sure three guys would be allowed to look after a two-year old like this but forget the realism and enjoy the acute perceptions of relationships – friendships, fathers and sons – which are totally believable. There’s so much empathy here, and for such different stages of life, it becomes a deeply emotional read.
This is a brutal and beautiful read so give it time as it’s quite short and quickly over. It’s a mix of teenage boredom and frustration in a small town that everyone will recognise and quite extraordinary lyricism about nature and how humans can connect to the landscape. You will never look at images of the Northern Lights in the same way again.
This mesmerising novel explores life, love, regret, and second chances and follows one man who keeps replaying his life from age 18. At times uplifting then harrowing, funny then heartfelt, this rollercoaster of a novel is a must-read for fans of speculative fiction and anyone who wants a thought-provoking and philosophical take on consequences and morality.
This is like no other book I've ever read, and also like every other I've read. The setting is so alien and remote but for all their differences I learned that people are just the same the world over. The characters are so well drawn - I loved them all - but the saddest part was coming to the last page and the final twist. An unforgettable read.
A sort of reverse Black Lives Matter novel - which gave me pause for thought. A socially-minded black family moves to a very wealthy, all-black, isolated community in California. The woman has her reservations and soon she receives signals that something is very wrong with the residents. This book has such a creepy vibe - I stayed up late to read the bitter ending.
The fates of Dikembe, a child taken to England from his family in the Congo in 1906, and Lowra, an orphan mistreated by her stepmother in 1974, are connected by a necklace, some strange writing on an attic wall and a doll. Racism and the mistreatment of children are of all times and can be a depressing read - but this haunting and emotional novel gave hope in the end.
'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' doesn’t apply to this book. This gothic horror novel begins quite innocently when Dan, an apple farmer from Pennsylvania, miraculously regains the rights to his father's apple orchard. Its seven trees produce blood-red, delicious apples - and anyone who eats them is miraculously transformed. Needless to say things go from worse to grim. A delicious, fat page-turner, but I’m off apples for some time.
These short stories, although published separately, form a background continuum of So’s extraordinary and tragically short life. All the emotional turmoil and identity crisis of growing up with Cambodian refugee inheritance is here, along with all the perils of gay experiences in Silicon Valley society, forming a lighthearted, tragicomic shooting star of a read.
Although very loosely based on historical events, this is by no means a typical historical novel. It feels dreamlike, otherworldly - and I felt a rising sense of panic, made worse by the unreliable narrator, Elodie. It's difficult to understand what actually happens and what Elodie has imagined, but still I found myself caught up in her life, her thwarted passions and her web of secrets.
Told through the irreverent eyes and potty-mouthed words of young narrator Tibb, a vagabond orphan, this is a pacily entertaining and richly moving slice of Tudor life, muddy with the grime of poverty. You'll love your time with Tibb, as she lives off her wits to survive and thrive, building her ragtag band of outcasts, attempting to evade the judgements of a brutally orthodox and punitive Church. Sweary, funny and with a massive heart.
Set in contemporary suburban America, this retelling of Beowulf holds a cracked and questioning mirror up to the original, shifting its focus to a study of motherhood, otherness, PTSD and what makes us monsters. A knowledge of the Old English original isn't necessary to be immersed in this propulsively engaging read, but may add additional layers of meaning. Rampaging with bloodlust fury and maternal protection, this read is as tender as a blade.
This heartwarming story follows Takako as she overcomes a break up and learns more about love and life while helping run her uncle's store. All book lovers will recognise the vivid descriptions of finding sanctuary in a book store while falling for the quirky characters that inhabit it. A lovely warm hug of a novel!
A saga of three generations of Black lives in the South, with the classic drivers of racial hatred and violence, rights campaigns and female survival through inner strength. The flashback format will require you to master the chronology, and some of the cultural references may challenge British readers, but it’s so worth it. Just imagine Oprah, Halle and Latifah starring in the film …
This collection of stories is a ghastly, beautiful tour through a series of apocalypses. However the world ends; with flowers falling from the sky, with families turning to gingerbread or with bands of survivors patrolling safe zones, these are stories of queer female relationships, sex, bodies, intimacy and motherhood. This collection will elicit tears, laughter, shock, hope and despair. Monstrous, beautiful and consuming.
This novel is an original take on Frankenstein with two sympathetic queer guys who create their own daughter. A living plant and lots of mystery - what’s not to like? The twists and turns are surprising and I certainly enjoyed the lightly macabre storytelling.
The ethnic clashes of 1980s Sri Lanka are violent and totally divisive. Medical student Sashi's family loyalties are challenged in a heartbreaking way as she loses two brothers and a dear friend. I felt shock but also a deep empathy with these characters whose suffering is unimaginable. This is terrific writing and powerful storytelling.
Restlessly inventive, these short-stories offer glimpses into imagined futures: often dystopian, always influenced by now, with the pandemic a feverish influence, and the brutality of industrialisation a constant dread. This is a read that will shock and delight you in its agility, placing you in the perspective of narrators - both human and non-human - that you may never have experienced before. Breathtakingly innovative, identifiably humane.
Nat is a single, vulnerable woman for whom life has clearly been unkind - full of if-onlys. These continue into her new life with a tragic inevitably, culminating in a fall from grace in her relationship with the Faust-like Andreas. You’ll meditate on all the motives and consequences of her too-quick and too-long-delayed decisions, and feel her depth of feeling in heart and soul as everyone and everything conspires against her.
A nameless young narrator seems to be on a quest to strip everything back to the elements and expose herself to nature in all its raw extremity. The first person narrative takes you deep into her psyche, but without the relief of understanding her motives - beyond the need to live life on the edge. At the end, I was keenly affected by the power and darkness of this tiny book - even though it left me comfortless. A curiously compelling experience.
There are all sorts of elements in these three stories which appeal to me: e.g. absurdism, imagination, humour, deviousness. All three main characters have something that makes them an outcast, sometimes hit hard by their reality, but with unexpected twists that usually make you either smile or wonder which trick has been played on you.
This eerie and intriguing novel keeps you turning pages with its twists and revelations while deeply immersing you in its beautifully written and atmospheric world. It will especially appeal to fans of gothic horror, fantasy and science fiction, and anyone who enjoys dark but thoughtful explorations of humanity and survival.
Be drawn in by the dilapidated charm and nostalgia of The Paradise cinema, just like Holly who, desperate to fit in, becomes part of the chaotic group of misfits who work there. Drug use, lust and fear cloud the hallucinatory gory episodes that haunt her as both the cinema and relationships crumble. Strange, gothic and surreal yet with a sting of harsh reality, this book threaded with film references is a cinematic and visual read.
Sensory and fluid, this poetic read is brief but as deep as the waters that run through it. What begins as a group fishing trip soon expands into tributaries where the past and present flow alongside each other, one haunting the other. You'll be immersed in the evocation of rural Argentinian life - the smoke of barbecued chorizo will sting your eyes, the thick web of woodland spiders will cling to your skin, dreamlike in the haze of heat.
Aron and Nora travel on the number 13 bus across London during the rush hour. What emerges is a vivid and compassionate portrait of multi-cultural London. They talk to some passengers and observe others. An unexpected page turner and you will find yourself caring about everyone you meet on the journey.
Set in Sudan in the 1890s during the Mahdi uprising, this novel echoes with voices and stories through the ages – and all moved me. But the strongest voice for me is that of the orphan Akuany, telling her experiences. It left me feeling angry and sad that mankind never learns that war brings nothing but grief; that religion can never be an excuse to slaughter others; that skin colour does not matter and all human beings are hurt in the same way.
Forget your expectations of nice short stories to lull you off to sleep, this experience is about as comfortable as sitting on a wasp nest. Each story will only take you five to ten minutes to read, but you will need a good day to recover from the shock that they deliver.
Poland, 1907, three Jewish boys set off to walk to Lublin to sell brushes. Such a simple premise for a story that, in a way, matches the innocence of the boys as they begin. Along the way there are promises of food and girls, laughs, tales of mythic villages and jokes. The boys will endear themselves to you. But as the journey progresses the veneer of innocence fades as the future begins to cast a foreboding shadow - though the jokes remain.
This collection of stories is the stage for disturbing family relations, unsettling marriages and cruelty against animals. All are written with powerful feeling for and understanding of the unspoken and inner thoughts of the protagonists. At times, I had to take a break - but I was still intrigued enough to pick it up again and continue reading.
What a thrilling ride this book is - breakneck speed, breath-holding tension and characters you really care about. The pervading fear created by the Nazi occupation of Rome, the night-time missions in the backstreets, the bravery of everyday folk - all so authentic. I welcomed the polyphonic voices - they gave the narrative a special depth and meaning; each member of the 'choir' adding to the experiences and actions of their fellow choristers.
In this gripping reimagining of Orwell’s 1984 Julia, not Winston, is our protagonist. Through precisely told scenes, many of which will be known to readers of Orwell, we are given a female viewpoint on Big Brother’s cruel, claustrophobic world. This novel is packed with risk and thrill, chilling violence and visceral encounters. It will shock readers and stay with them: raising a magnifying lens to our own society and our agency or lack of it.
The blended family of Cheyenne grandmothers, Opal and Jacquie, search for their identity and place in modern society. The brutal history of their people takes its toll on their grandsons – especially Orvil, who was shot after attending a Powwow and is consequently addicted to pills. This is not an easy read – but it is powerful and affecting and all the people this story were of flesh and blood to me.
What comes across more than anything in this story is how love and affection, in spite of everything, endures. In this case it's the bond between Julia and Eve, tested against the backdrop of Vienna pre and post First World War, then again in the late 1930s and life under the Nazis. Vienna is beautifully captured in this absorbing and evocative story that doesn't shy away from addressing antisemitism, homophobia and the violence of the period.
Piglet, a name that has stuck since childhood, has panic attacks in the days prior to marrying Kai. She tries to be the perfect bride, especially for Kai’s demanding mother. Then Kai drops a bombshell. What follows is a scene like one from a Fellini film: sharply humorous but poignant too. And, like the food descriptions - addictive.
This thrilling new take on the zombie genre combines social commentary on globalism, capitalism, immigration and belonging while ratcheting up tension as a group of survivors struggle in a post-apocalyptic planet ravaged by disease. The story flips between present and the near-past as we learn more about a world in the midst of collapse. You will be hooked by the main character's resilience as she seeks hope and freedom from the fever.
In a tale of jinns, middle-eastern mythology and the underworld, this vibrant story resonates with imagination, magic and compelling fairy-tale vibes. A moving portrait of a mother’s love and her desperation to outmanoeuvre death is presented with fascinating characters and an evocative writing style. Storytelling is at the heart of this ambitious Arabian tale in a unique exploration of the concepts of grief and the will to live.
This strangely beautiful, claustrophobic little book drops you deep into the tiny home and day-to-day life of Uncle and his nephew and niece. Uncle is quite a repellent concoction of excess and loud, smelly bodily functions. The 'yuk' factor is high. Yet his nephew (at first) and niece (later on her own) look after him, with care and even tenderness. It made me wonder why - and think hard about what binds any of us together as family.
Monstrous and beguiling, tender and humorous, this is the story of an unlikely friendship between an older man suffering a decline of memory and a young boy growing into adulthood. As Felice unravels, Michelino draws the threads of his life together and the old man’s madness begins to become a dark reality.
Autistic mother Sunday lives with her teenage daughter, Dolly, in a small cottage in the Lake District. When outwardly polished and seemingly charming couple, Vita and Rollo, come to live next door, Dolly and Sunday soon come under their spell. I loved the brooding atmosphere in the book, as much as the voice of Sunday who is brutally honest telling the story.
This surreal satire will have you laughing at the relationships of a band of harlequins and cringing at the decadence of the City of O, where citizens routinely buy extreme body modifications or even order mountain ranges to be placed in view of their penthouse suites! Anyone seeking a witty, fantastical read with razor-sharp social commentary should grab a copy today.
Atmospheric from the outset, this mystery will grip you immediately. What begins in the tone of a police procedural becomes more gothic at the turn of every page. Tangled stories of three women living and suffering in eras spanning over a century gradually weave together and something much darker and supernatural in nature is revealed. Prepare for a tense and shocking read.
Wonderfully entertaining gothic horror. I enjoyed all the usual elements: Opal’s tragic family history, the creepy house with the beasts in the cellar and the attraction between two loners. Don’t expect fast paced action - the plot builds slowly which is perfect for the story.
The line between what’s real and what’s imagined blurs wildly in this short, impactful story where a writer, who is far from home, battles with the scars she carries from her fractured family relationships. Whilst it looks at motherhood, loss and belonging you never feel that it is a novel of themes. Instead I was caught up in the day to day life of this writer, and her spiralling descent from reality.
Delight in the shocking combination of a light-hearted tone and vicious humour in this serial killer romp. Told with deadpan humour, you'll find yourself siding with the damaged main character as she leads an increasingly twisty killing spree, uncovering other people's secrets and narrowly escaping discovery along the way. While told with a light touch this book does include themes of abuse of children and the elderly as well as grief and loss.