Homesick by Eshkol Nevo


Eshkol Nevo

At first you might think that these characters share a neighbourhood and nothing else, but as the author brings us inside their experiences, you can't help but see the connections instead of the differences. This is no 'happy ever after' fairytale, but a story where relationships gain strength because people choose to find ways to be happy together. A warm, sunny read which builds a richly textured picture from the details of everyday life.

Moments when Amir is happy that he's Noaandamir:

When they're sitting on the sofa at the end of the day, having a hot drink and telling each other, through the steam, about the hurts, the victories, the small moments of loneliness that happened in their lives apart. The conversation flows, every word spoken in it's time, and again he remembers: her soul is intertwined with mine.
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