Lights Out in Wonderland by D B C Pierre

Lights Out in Wonderland

D B C Pierre

Gabriel, our substance addicted hero, decides it's time to die. But there are some things he has to do first. As it's difficult to justice to this wonderful novel in just a few words, maybe it's best not to try. Just enjoy it for the very clever language, style and humour. Everything is larger than life, the characters, the settings and even the food. A great read.

Ah well. Where my schemes are concerned, limbo shows no greater success rate than life. A discouraging trend. Unless the Enthusiasms are masters of end-play, then evidence is weak that they rally behind parties. In fact reality seems to abut limbo fairly closely. Not that I'd expect them to whisk Smuts back from the other side of the world - but he might've at least stayed on the phone. As for Alan, well. Alan is a mess beyond intoxication, if such a thing is possible. Look at him. Look at us, my friend. Here's the world I leave behind.
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