Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen by Marilyn Chin

Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen

Marilyn Chin

Twins Moonie and Mei Ling are growing up in Southern California under the beady eye of their Chinese grandmother. But, they also have to cope with the local anti-Chinese sentiments and cruelties from their American contemporaries. They are raucous, rebelling and irreverent but ultimately winners at working the system to their advantage. They describe their lives through fables, dreams, legends and family sayings. Weird and wonderful.

Don’t you know that every immigrant’s tale is a comic romance? Once upon a time, a couple of absolutely nobody girls named Wong are born. They load up a crappy donkey-van with bad Chinese food and drive in circles for ten hours. They smooch a few silly boys on the way (well, one of them smooches while the other one beats them up). Then it never fails – by the end of the tale, those certain Wong-named-nobodies finally blossom into somebodies.
Or, do they?
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