Forgetting Zoe by Ray Robinson

Forgetting Zoe

Ray Robinson

A story of child abduction is the stuff of every parent's worst nightmare, but don't be put off, as the emphasis is on psychological suspense and is powerful without being gruelling. The measured pace and steadily mounting sense of dread has the reader watch on helplessly as the kidnapped child fights the attachment she forms to her abductor and will her to escape. Truly unforgettable characterisation, and as totally convincing as a documentary.

Keep on pleasing him, she told herself, it's the least you can do, because up those stairs was real air, real light, real space. She knew that he was evil and that begging him was pointless, it would get her nowhere, he'd enjoy it and if she tried to escape he'd find her and kill her and then he'd torture and murder Ingrid as well.
She believed him.
He began to shape her life with his lessons and demands and petty torments, and in the monotony of the routines she divined the pattern of his mood swings and began to anticipate the bitter moments, the violent moments, and the sweetest calm that often bloomed between them.
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