Gabriel's Angel by Mark A Radcliffe

Gabriel's Angel

Mark A Radcliffe

What if Purgatory has been replaced by group therapy sessions? And a return to Earth is on offer for the comatose as well as Heaven or Hell? For Gabriel this reality means a mix of Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes - complete with contract killer - and Love Actually - including the aging rock singer. Very, very funny and extremely touching, this is my book of the year so far by miles and, as it's December, everyone will be getting it for Christmas.

'How do I get them to the clinic in twenty minutes?'
'You'll need a fast driver. Sam.'
'Sam! Sam? What am I going to tell Sam?' Izzy cried. 'Listen darling, wait here, keep the engine running - I've got to run upstairs, give our comatose friend a wank while the dictors aren't looking, and then you have to drive his seed to Ellie.'
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