The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor

The Anatomy of Ghosts

Andrew Taylor

Moll Flanders meets Elizabeth Bennett in a whirl of sex, debauchery, social propriety, good manners, blackmail, murder, mystery, drunkenness and the political shenanigans of an 18th century Cambridge College. John Holdsworth steps into this maelstrom at the behest of Lady Anne Oldershaw to investigate a tale of ghosts and madness. And he has a few ghosts and a little madness of his own to deal with.

Frank Oldershaw was swaying on the threshold. His face was red and his waistcoat was unbuttoned. 'Ah, there you are, Philip,' he said. 'I am on fire, I tell you, I cannot wait another moment." He caught sight of Mrs Phear and her unexpected presence made him falter. But he was too drunk to stop altogether and the last few words tumbled from his mouth in a dying whisper. 'And where have you hidden my sweet little virgin?'
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