Waiting for Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk

Waiting for Columbus

Thomas Trofimuk

A man is washed up on a Spanish beach claiming he is Christopher Columbus. The unravelling of his story at a mental institute with nurse Consuela makes for an intriguing tale - part mystery, part romance - full of emotion and a gripping page turner with an unexpected ending. I loved the quirky anachronistic details like the 15th century Spanish queen's mobile phone going off while discussing travel preparations with Columbus!

Consuela thinks about the complete disregard for time and the bevy of anachronistic artifacts in Columbus's stories. She thinks about the possibility that he won't come out of this - that he'll stay locked in this cage as Columbus. It frightens her. Because if he stays there, as Columbus, in that world of kings and queens and inquisitors, she won't know what to do with her feelings. And if he comes out and they manage to unravel the mystery? She doesn't want to think about that, either.
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