Spilt Milk by Kopano Matlwa

Spilt Milk

Kopano Matlwa

Imagine Madame Defarge became a schoolteacher, after falling in love with the Priest from 'The Pride and the Glory'. Add in the children from 'The Lord of the Flies', and you will get an idea of the contents of this glorious book. It will make you despair, and it will fill you with hope about the new South Africa.

'Where is Mlilo, guys?' he asked.

None of them answered him. He looked to Zulwini, but all the boy could offer was a face lined with deep regrest. Ndudumo fnally spoke. 'He said he is no longer coming to this class. He was telling everyone at break today that he finished the entire six week assignment last night and that the whole thing is a joke.'

'Well, is it?' he asked them, not sure what he expected them to say or what he would do with their responses.

Moya looked down. Zulwini shook his head vigorously. Ndudumo said nothing.

'Is it, guys? Is it a joke?' he asked again.

'Yes. Yes it is,' Ndudumo said.
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Explicit sexual Content