The Ground is Burning by Samuel Black

The Ground is Burning

Samuel Black

Readers will need a strong stomach for the torture, rape and murder in this book! Set in Renaissance Italy, we follow Cesare Borgia, Niccolo Machiavelli and Leonardo da Vinci in a fictionalisation of their lives set in a period which sees the birth of The Mona Lisa and The Prince. Some may find the modern, colloquial style a little strange, but the story oozes plenty of bloodshed and horror and it romps along at an entertaining pace.

I open the shutter. Look out the window. Snow falling - white everywhere. The colour of innocence. But only a mask - the same filth lies underneath.
I think about Ramiro. Yes, he can still be useful to me. One last time. He will be my messenger to the world. The message - DON'T FUCK WITH ME.
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