Invisible River by Helena McEwen

Invisible River

Helena McEwen

If you're young at heart and have a liking for art, this book could be for you. On art student Eve's palate is a mix of London, student life, love, friendship and coming of age as a young woman learns to cope with student life and the problems her alcoholic father presents. Dialogue and description abound.

I can see Westminster Bridge in the misty distance. I draw the frowning sea serpents coiled around the globes of light, and the green lions holding circles in their mouths along the curved wall. I turn the page. I am learning the scene. I draw quickly in black ink, the spiky towers, the distant bridge, the curve of the water, the lions and dolphins in squiggles and the pavement under the trees, with the castellations of the palace behind. On the bench is a man. I am making him up. He is hunched on the bench.
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