The Forgotten Waltz by Anne Enright

The Forgotten Waltz

Anne Enright

This book opened an inner dialogue in my mind: how we still define ourselves by our relationships even in the process of changing and wrecking them forever; how honesty might validate our attitude to emotions out of control; how the wisdom of children enables us to handle the demands of adulthood. You don't have to like Gina that much to find aspects of her soul in your own.

There is something so open about a hotel bed, the duvet kicked away; it was like a plinth, or a padded stage, and the shapes we made there were more sweet and anguished for seeming abstract, as we fitted together our jigsaw love, one way, or another, ending up one evening at dusk, with me spooned around the the curl of his body on the bare sheet; his eyes, when I lifted my head to check, burning with the impossibility of it all.
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