Brendel's Fantasy by Gunther Freitag

Brendel's Fantasy

Gunther Freitag

Holler, in response to terminal illness, wishes to realise his dream to host a performance of Schubert’s Wanderer Fantasy in a remote Italian village. I could feel the frustration and pain as obstacles become increasingly insurmountable and his reason becomes less sound. Despite the subject matter the novel has a lightness and is easy to read and illustrated for me the determination and perseverance of the human spirit when facing adversity.

Holler showers and shaves carefully. Later he picks the dark suit from the wardrobe, ties his tie and examines its exact placement in front of the bathroom mirror .... One last look in the bathroom mirror reassures him: he looks like an underpaid teacher or a minor bank official.
Join me! the professor shouts to him from the piazza. Are you also going to the event?
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