Black Bazaar by Alain Mabanckou

Black Bazaar

Alain Mabanckou

This is a truly original book. I had no idea what might happen next but I found the narrator (known as The Buttologist!) extremely entertaining and his antics were often hilarious. Throw in some fairly serious stuff about French colonialism and quite a lot of jazz and you have a really fun read.

The neighbour wouldn't stop snorting and muttering to himself:
'Goddammit! I'm telling you an African laid a trap for me with a banana skin! That banana came directly from Africa!'
The thing I wanted to know was what on earth was he doing up on the fifth floor, when he lives on the ground floor like me. Anyway, that's why he's got a bandage on his head now and spends his days sniffing at a little bottle ....
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