The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez

The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

Deborah Rodriguez

Sunny, an American, owns and runs a coffee shop in Kabul. The novel is predominately concerned with the lives and loves of the owner, her staff and friends. Political corruption, terrorist attacks, the treatment of women and the drug trade are also touched on. An interesting mix of both local and international characters delivers a feel-good read with a happy ending.

The coffee shop was jammed with regulars - misfits, missionaries and mercenaries, Afghans and foreigners - and Sunny, as usual, was at the counter. She surveyed her domain, pleased with the business, the buzz, the life that pulsated in the room. This was her very own place, here, in the middle of a war zone, in one of the most dangerous locations on earth.
  • The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seirstad
  • Baking Cakes in Kigali by Gaile Parkin