Bird Brain by Guy Kennaway

Bird Brain

Guy Kennaway

This is a frivolous, tongue-in-cheek story full of astute satire, wry social observation and some very good jokes. Centred on the traditional shooting fraternity, the reader is left to make up their own mind about the correct balance between shooting for fun and animal rights. You will thoroughly enjoy the characterisation of the animals which is excellent and somehow spookily realistic.

It can’t be known why Banger was reincarnated as a pheasant, but it must be borne in mind that forty million pheasants are raised on game farms every year in Britain, so the chances of one being a little bit unusual are high. It could be that whoever ordains these things enjoyed sending back to earth a man who had devoted most of his life to killing pheasants, as a pheasant. We just cannot know. And at this early stage, Banger was barely more than conscious of being conscious, so he had not even begun to theorise about his predicament.
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