It Was Just Yesterday by Mirja Unge

It Was Just Yesterday

Mirja Unge

Confusion over relationships and sexuality is the theme of these stories about girls on the brink of adulthood, an undertow of unease pervading them all. The narratives are compelling, the settings often claustrophobic. They will speak to young women and remind older readers of what youth felt like, and if you are young or know anyone who is then please read them. But don't expect solutions or tidy conclusions - it's real life, there are none.

She laughed and topped up my glass and said you're not used to drinking wine, are you, she said, and I shook my head and took a sip, and have you got a boyfriend, have you, she asked and leant forwards and I shook my head and her eye was running and she wiped it with the hanky and drank and looked at me. But you've had one, haven't you, she said, and I grinned because of course I had, but no one that would really count right now, I said. And she poured some more wine and took a sip and her hair had dried and hung heavy around her.
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