The Sly Company of People Who Care by Rahul Bhattacharya

The Sly Company of People Who Care

Rahul Bhattacharya

You are getting to know a country, so you go and visit another one. And then you go back to the first country, hook up with a woman and visit a third country with her on a whim. And then it all goes horribly wrong. Rahul Bhattacharya convinces you that the above actions are entirely reasonable, and are indeed the kind of thing that you might do yourself. Rhythms of speech and their poetry all beautifully captured.

The pilot regaled everyone by circling the fall. It was the most spectacular view yet. The river was a simple stroke of brown, so that one would be deceived into thinking it was stationary, and as we rose higher, so too the great white spill. We left it all behind. And now there was only forest. The extensive carpet was like so much pubic hair, mile upon mile of it, and from up here and now in my current state of mind, too monotonous. The sun hit me straight in the temple. Maga Dog played in my head - riddim. The sick American groaned loud. He could be heard over the engine. Other American pointed and clicked. 'I'm so gonna upload these.'
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