Animals by Emma Jane Unsworth


Emma Jane Unsworth

Vulgar, intense, fast and funny this is a hedonistic tale of friendship, drink, drugs and sex. I struggled with the hold that Tyler has over Laura, but found it to be an interesting look at love, growing up at thirty, and what happens when girls behave badly.

Once at a boutique music festival, I’d been walking along with Tyler when she emitted a neat curve of projectile vomit onto the grass in front of her and just carried on walking, resuming what she was saying exactly where she’d left it, barely missing a beat. I don’t think she’d even wiped her mouth. It was an adept expulsion - not so impressive for the twenty people sitting at picnic benches outside a food stand, wooden cutlery held aloft, unable to finish their falafel. We’d christened it the ‘walk and puke’. It was the epitome of styling out. I wasn’t up to it. All I wanted to do was lie down.
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