A General Theory of Oblivion by José Eduardo Agualusa

A General Theory of Oblivion

José Eduardo Agualusa

In the chaotic days following the Angolan civil war, many Portuguese Angolans return to Portugal for safety. However, Ludo decides the safest place to stay is her own home in Angola where she stays for the next 30 years. Meanwhile outside in the streets a multitude of colourful characters, one of whom eventually rescues Ludo, survive by fair means or foul. A sad, but vibrant novel, from the winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.

Ludo ran to Orlando's study. She grabbed the pistol, walked back, and pointed it at the back door, squeezing the trigger. She would remember the moment of the gunshot day after day for the next thirty-five years. The bang, the slight jump of the gun. The quick pain in her wrist.
What would her life have been like without that one moment?
  • The Texture of Shadows by Mandla Langa
  • Angolan Dawn by Craig Lock