Wolf Border by Sarah Hall

Wolf Border

Sarah Hall

Can you love yourself if you only love wolves? Rachel is tasked with re-introducing them to a lord's estate. Within a thrilling story of environmental politics and power games lies the moving tale of a woman learning to make peace with her own species. Sensuous, earthy and lyrical, it is also a journey of self-discovery and motherhood.

It comes between the bushes, as if bidden. It comes forward, mercilessly, towards her, paws lifting, fast, but not running. A word she will soon learn: lope. It is perfectly made: long legs, sheer chest, dressed for coldness in wraps of grey fur. It comes close to the wire and stands looking at her, eyes level, pure yellow gaze. Long nose, the black tip twitching, short mane. A dog before dogs were invented. The god of all dogs. It is a creature so fine, she can hardly comprehend it. But it recognises her. It has seen and smelled animals like her for two million years. It stands looking. Yellow eyes, black- ringed. Its thoughts nameless. She holds the fence but the fence has almost disappeared; she is hanging in the air, suspended like a soft offering. Any minute it will be upon her.
  • H is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald
  • Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver
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