Here Comes Trouble by Simon Wroe

Here Comes Trouble

Simon Wroe

Kyrzbekistan may be an imaginary country neighbouring Kazakhstan, but the difficulties Ellis faces are all too real. A darkly funny look at a sixteen year old's life when he cannot ignore corruption and bigotry, even though he would rather concentrate on losing his virginity. Lots of lessons for us all as Ellis tries to make available real facts in this age of 'fake news'. I just hope the ambiguous ending isn't as sad as I fear.

Perhaps he couldn't change the world or even make a dent in it, but if he failed he would like to fail in his own way ... gaining power over something bigger than him, which had been roughly handling him. He'd felt this way before, as the first flames licked the textbooks in the school, like he was aligning himself with a bigger force, a more powerful ally.
Oh yes, and we all remember how well that turned out!
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