Snare by Lilja Sigurdardottir


Lilja Sigurdardottir

While she sinks, slowly but surely in the mirky and dangeous world of drugs smuggling Sonja also has to deal with her lover who can't accept her own gay feelings. Her chief opponent, an elderly customs officer struggles with his wife's dementia. Dark as a long, nordic winter night this story mixes crime with a lot of personal problems. This makes the book slightly top heavy but there are enough unexpected plot twists to keep you entertained.

When the case finally appeared, Sonja had to force herself not to run around the carousel to snatch it up. She watched as it approached, at what seemed to be a snail's pace, wondering if the customs officers would appear as soon as she lifted the case off the conveyor belt, or if they would wait until she went through customs to take her aside. She tried to persuade herself that there was no chance they would touch her.
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