Love and Other Thought Experiments by Sophie Ward

Love and Other Thought Experiments

Sophie Ward

An ordinary domestic situation with a same sex couple deciding to have a baby. That’s the simple bit. What then follows - a birth, a death, a resurrection together with a complete time warp into the future - makes it all slightly complicated! Clever and well written, unusual and even a wee bit funny.


'You know it’s true. Every time we talk about it you say you want to go through with it and that Hal is cool. Your egg, my womb, his sperm, like a recipe or a poem. But nothing ever happens and then we’ll be doing something else and you’ll be completely different, really negative, like it would be awful to have a baby. Like tonight .... Tonight, when you started talking about nits.’ 
‘Oh, for God’s sake. Children get nits, that’s not an excuse, it’s just what children do.


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