Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lawlor

Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl

Andrea Lawlor

Set in the 1990s' LGBTQ+ community in America, Paul is a shape-shifter, who can alter their body from male Paul to be female Polly; their gender and sexuality are both fluid. Though I didn't always like Paul/Polly, I was utterly caught up in their life. Encompassing masses of pop culture, plenty of smut, and both tragedy and comedy throughout, this is a wild, fast, addictive read.

Paul tried for something every day, pretty much. Paul tried for a smile, a look back, an eyeful, a number, some illicit hallway kiss, a blow-job, a romance, a massage, a handjob, a finger up an ass, a free show, a licked lip, a passed note, a present, a surprise, something good, something better than the nothing he had.
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