Femlandia by  Christina Dalcher


Christina Dalcher

When society dissolves Miranda and her teenage daughter must abandon their previous existence and find a way to survive. As the sanctuary they find at a women’s commune grows increasingly uneasy, I found a dreadful fascination in the sinister atmosphere. This is a tense, provocative read which explores feminism, motherhood, belonging and power.


They come back to me also, those boys, ragged and bleeding in their torn clothes, closer in time to having been some mother's baby than the adult vagrants who once walked the streets of the capital. I remember thinking I wanted to help them, not because they were mine, only because they were. They were. They existed, and it didn't - or it shouldn't matter what their chromosomes looked like or whether they had waists or breasts, whether they would one day menstruate or bear children. They were two hurt beings. Only that. Beings. And so that made them no different from me. 

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