Fish Tale by  Matthew Yorke

Fish Tale

Matthew Yorke

It starts with a dream, a missing painting and a fatal fishing accident - an incident around which multiple lives over numerous generations then revolve. Gambles are taken and decisions made on the flip of a coin for which the outcomes are far reaching and unexpected. This unusual read is as slippery as a fish. It’s playful, whimsical, even absurd but also asks big questions about chance, fortune and self determination.


Lord Embers found the King in the nursery, where the Sovereign was making an inspection of his birds’ egg collection.

'Lord Embers, thank heavens you’ve come.'

'What is it, Your Majesty?' the other tremulously asked.

'Lord Embers, do you ever dream?'

'Seldom, but when I do I often find it quite unsettling.'

'Me, too. But tell me, how are you?'

'My business is flourishing and I have a young family.'

'A son, I understand?'

'One, Sir.'

'And his name?'

'Felix, Sir.'

The King seemed reassured. 'So nothing’s amiss?'

How Lord Embers would have liked to unburden himself! 'Not that I know of,' he replied. 

'That is a relief to me. You see, I was convinced something wasn’t … how can I put it: quite right?'

'It is good of you to take such an interest in me, Your Highness.'

'But how could I not when you are my godson, a godson who lost his own father in such tragic circumstances?'

'That was a long time ago, Sir.'

'To me it could have happened just yesterday. I suspect we shall all discover sooner or later that time is perfectly meaningless when it comes to matters of that sort.'





  • The Bee Sting by Paul Murray
  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
  • Russian Doll - the TV series
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