You’d Look Better as a Ghost by  Joanna Wallace

You’d Look Better as a Ghost

Joanna Wallace

Delight in the shocking combination of a light-hearted tone and vicious humour in this serial killer romp. Told with deadpan humour, you'll find yourself siding with the damaged main character as she leads an increasingly twisty killing spree, uncovering other people's secrets and narrowly escaping discovery along the way. While told with a light touch this book does include themes of abuse of children and the elderly as well as grief and loss.


I stare at her now too, and it's disgusting, the indignity of such a public display of self-pity. That's when I feel it: the most powerful urge to snatch my hand away and put her out of her misery. Strangulation would be my preferred choice, but Welshman would probably get involved, people like him always do, and I reckon he outranks me on strength. It needs to be quick. Sudden, blunt force to the head. Such a shame I didn't think to bring my hammer. 

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