This heartwarming story follows Takako as she overcomes a break up and learns more about love and life while helping run her uncle's store. All book lovers will recognise the vivid descriptions of finding sanctuary in a book store while falling for the quirky characters that inhabit it. A lovely warm hug of a novel!
I kept on moving, making it to the end of Sakura Street without looking back. As I was walking, the memories came rushing back and tears filled my eyes. But I somehow held on and walked to the end of the street.
Then on a hunch I stopped and snuck a look behind me. I saw my uncle standing right in the middle of the street waving to me, looking so small in the distance. Seeing him like that, I couldn't hold on any longer. I burst into tears and started to sob ....
Seeing me sobbing as I marched down the street, the people I passed must have surely thought there was something wrong with this weird woman. But I didn't care in the slightest. After all, I was crying because I wanted to cry, and these were the happiest tears I'd ever known.
In the brisk early morning air, I sensed a faint sign of the spring to come. I looked straight ahead and kept going.