A brutally honest rollercoaster of a read. Relationship tensions, fuelled by peri-menopausal symptoms and a troubled past, initiate the road trip meant to bring emotional calm to a troubled woman in this uncompromising and sexually explicit book. A dry, witty and sometimes slightly comic curiosity drives the pace as she veers off track and into the unchartered waters of self-discovery. This is a bold search for self and sexual fulfillment.
This was no good, this line of thought. This was the thinking that had kept every woman from her greatness. There did not have to be an answer to the question why; everything important started out mysterious and this mystery was like a great sea you had to be brave enough to cross. How many times had I turned back at the first ripple of self-doubt? You had to withstand a profound sense of wrongness if you ever wanted to get somewhere new. So far each thing I had done in Monrovia was guided by a version of me that had never been in charge before. A nitwit? A madwoman? Probably. But my more seasoned parts just had to be patient, hold their tongues - their many and sharp tongues - and give this new girl a chance.