Panoramic Lounge Bar by John Stammers

Panoramic Lounge Bar

John Stammers

These are poems packed with images drawn from film, pop and art and peppered with philosophy. John Stammers' fondness for conceit and challenging vocabulary can be irritating but there are some hilarious poems and others which are surprisingly tender. Pretentious, eclectic, witty and clever - a book for those who enjoy linguistic playfulness.


He will grow up to become the leader of a small band
of Anglo-Mexican separatists
who will meet their various deaths in the early spring of 2031
during a ferocious but ill-fated attempt
to establish their own homeland with its capital as the Alamo singing:
'And did those feet in ancient times ...'
in Spanish which is:
'Y los Pies en l'antiguedad ...'

from So What Do You Do On Your Week Off

  • Picnic, Lightning by Billy Collins
  • Selected Poems by John Ashbery
  • The Collected Poems by Frank O'Hara