Personal Velocity by Rebecca Miller

Personal Velocity

Rebecca Miller

Meet seven women - a story devoted to each one - as they decide which path to take at crucial points in their lives. Brilliantly observed and sharply-written - I'm not a big reader of short stories but I'm so glad I found these. They really work - and, as a bonus, they are all linked by a twist.


'My friend Felicia Wong said you were great at trimming fat,' he said, watching her so do. Felicia Wong had written short stories at Harvard. Greta has been one of the editors .... She had an eye for the inessential and would sift through undergraduate fiction, culling every superfluous word. The writers had called her the the Grim Reaper. Yet they all wanted Greta Herskovitz to comb through their work ....

'I have a tendancy to overwrite,' he said. 'I need someone to kick my ass.'

'I can kick your ass,' said Greta accommodatingly ....

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