The Screaming Tree by Phil Lovesey

The Screaming Tree

Phil Lovesey

This story grabs you right from the beginning. Despite yourself, you want to know more about William, and become concerned about him. There is a powerful feeling that all is not as it appears, but because we identify with him and follow him in his quest for the truth, we are drawn into his painful and traumatic journey. If you like psychological thrillers, you will find this a compelling read.

For almost the first time in my life I wished I had a friend, a close confidant. Sure, being a killer at large is all very liberating, but when it comes to personal problems, the loner's lot comes up a little short. I guess the choice is: have friends and don't kill people, or do the deed and run with the consequences. Problem is, once you've killed someone, you don't really have the choice any more: it's you against the world, for ever.
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