Havana Best Friends by Jose Latour

Havana Best Friends

Jose Latour

A gripping thriller set in modern Cuba, this book gives a wonderful glimpse into the life of modern day Cubans, and how they cope without the things we in the West take for granted. Their phlegmatic approach to life is contrasted with the lives of supposedly better off Americans as the story unfolds towards its conclusion. It keeps you guessing right to the end.

'Are you trying to tell me something?'
Sean fastened his eyes on hers. 'Yes.'
Marina squinted behind the sunglasses. 'What is it?'
'He had an accident.'
Following a moment's hesitation, Marina swung her legs round and sat at the lounger facing Sean, drink in hand. 'He what?'
'Lie back, lower your voice.'
'What do you mean he had an accident?'
  • Red Square by Martin Cruz Smith
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