Ladies Coupe by Anita Nair

Ladies Coupe

Anita Nair

I felt angry then sad at the way these women's lives had been dominated by other people, often men. They had little time left for themselves. This novel meets them where they are beginning to live for number one.

But the truth is, Akhila has never bought an express train ticket until now. She has never climbed into an overnight train to a place she has never been before.

Akhila is that sort of woman. She does what is expected of her, she dreams about the rest ....

Blue skies, silver linings, a break in the clouds. Akhila knows these to be mere illusions caused by putting on rose-coloured spectacles. She has long ago trodden to shards her rose-glassed spectacles and switched to metal-framed glasses that remain plain indoors and turn photo-chromatic out doors. Even the sun ceases to shine when Akhila's glasses turn a dusky brown.

So this then is Akhila. Forty five years old. Sans rose-coloured spectacles. Sans husband, children, home and family. Dreaming of escape and space. Hungry for life and experience. Aching to connect.

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