Half a World Away by Tom Bromley

Half a World Away

Tom Bromley

Read this book and enter the head of a 22-year-old in 1996. This a tale of long distance love and New Labour's landslide election victory, played out against a soundtrack of Nick Drake and Oasis. Manages to be funny, touching and meaningful all at the same time.

Sarah is swaying gently to the music, and I move too, echoing her movements. I hug her closer, press my head into her soft,warm hair, hair that's damp with drizzle and sweat, and I try to soak up the feel of her body against mine, trying to remember her smell for the days and weeks and months ahead. I'm misted up with the moment and the emotion, swept along with the sound of 125,000 people singing along to Liam fucking Gallagher singing just the best fucking love song.
  • This Life - TV series
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Tom Bromley
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