English Correspondence by Janet Davey

English Correspondence

Janet Davey

An intense story of a failing marriage told with wit and intelligence. The passion is hidden and rarely allowed to break through the calm surface of this beautifully written novel. I found the characters lived on in my mind long after closing the book.

She pressed on and said she would like help from a dependable spiritualist. Did he know of one in his Parish? She trusted his judgement. He spluttered a bit. Then said Ah she was French wasn't she, and although spiritual guidance wasn't really his forte he would do his best for her. Bereavement was often a difficult time. She could pop round for ten minutes before the woman from English Heritage appeared. He hoped financial assistance would be forthcoming from that quarter. No, Sylvie said, she had meant a spiritualist, a medium. She needed to consult one. He said he certainly knew of no such person and was alarmed that she should think he would do so.
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