Night Bus by Giampero Rigosi

Night Bus

Giampero Rigosi

The author also writes screenplays and this is a book begging to be filmed for the fantastic car chase alone. Very Pulp Fiction but also very, very Italian - where else would the psychotic secret service agent be concerned to pass on his mother's recipes? Or the blackmailer be unable to pass on the chance of sex at a very dangerous moment? It's not all fun though - both facts are necessary to the plot - and the reader should be prepared for violence and also for the need to concentrate or lose the plot. A great example of euro crime noir.

The Bear, hearing the shot, ducks his head between his shoulders. Francesco again raises the hammer, brings it down between Diolaiti's shoulder blades, while the Bear, exasperated now, advances towards the knot of bodies. Francesco, seeing him approach, hurls the hammer at him, and it strikes him in the chest. Diolaiti drags himself away on his elbows. The Bear, finding him at his feet, kicks him. Diolaiti rolls over on his side, faints. When the Bear looks up, he sees Leila, kneeling on the floor, aiming the .9 calibre at him.
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