Cold Granite by Stuart MacBride

Cold Granite

Stuart MacBride

I guarantee that fans of crime fiction will enjoy this densely plotted police procedural set in Aberdeen. The book has been touted as the new ' Rankin and Rebus' and as 'tartan noir at its best' and for once the hype might just be accurate.

Logan raised an eyebrow. 'You got Gerald Cleaver off.'
The lawyer buttoned his coat. 'No I didn't'.
'Yes you did! You picked the bloody case to pieces!'
Moir-Farquharson turned and looked Logan in the eye. 'If the case had been solid I couldn't have picked it apart. I didn't let Cleaver off: you did.'
'Now if you'll excuse me, officer, I have other matters to attend to.'
  • Mr Clarinet by Nick Stone
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