Music for the Off-key by Courttia Newland

Music for the Off-key

Courttia Newland

Delving into the sinister and macabre, Courttia Newland delivers twelve deliciously short stories told with a subtle humour. Set largely in and around West London these dark stories are compelling and will pull you in and leave you with a slightly twisted smile.

'Suicide Note works like this. We have an in-house psychiatrist who looks you over mentally, and a doctor to check the physical side of things. They're basically making sure you're of sound body and mind. When you've been passed and you're still sure you want to go through with things, you sign a contract with us to that effect, which bounds you to Suicide. Think very carefully before you make that decision, Mr Welling - you can't turn the clock back once you've signed. We send all the papers, you can't change things. They finish the job within two weeks.'
Finish the job. He gulped back the sudden lump in his throat.
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