The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson

This is a fantastic crime novel with a complex plot worthy of Dorothy Sayers. Nevertheless it was not the plot which grabbed me but the vulnerable and intriguing investigator Lisbeth Salander who is certainly no Miss Marple. A bleak but moving novel - I can't wait for the next in the series.

She was the one leading him to the bed, not the other way around. He stopped and gave her a puzzled look when she pulled something out of her jacket pocket which he thought was a mobile telephone. Then he saw her eyes.
'Say goodnight,' she said.
She shoved the taser into his left armpit and fired off 75,000 volts. When his legs began to give way she put her shoulder against him and used all her strength to push him down on to the bed.
  • Any of the Kurt Wallander novels by Henning Mankell
  • Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow by Peter Hoeg
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