The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

The Gargoyle

Andrew Davidson

This story centres on the relationship between a porn star who receives horrific burns in a car accident and a sculptress who claims that they were lovers in a previous life. Gothic horror/boys' own adventure/ medieval romance - unlike any book I've ever read, it simply defies categorisation, and if you can make it beyond the gore of the early chapters you are in for an absolute treat.

I was born beautiful and lived beautiful for thirty-plus years, and during all that time I never once allowed my soul to know love. My unblemished skin was numb armour used to attract women with its shininess, while repelling any true emotion and protecting the wearer. The most erotic of actions were merely technical: sex was mechanics; conquest a hobby; my body constantly used but rarely enjoyed. In short, I was born with all the advantages that a monster never had, and I chose to disregard them all.
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