Never, Never by David Gaffney

Never, Never

David Gaffney

Eric is a debt counsellor who is deeply in debt himself and in all sorts of trouble; this topical tale may very well have you reaching for your bank statement! The book's bleakness is lightened at times with some hilarious one liners as, lurching from the sublime to the ridiculous, this roller-coaster read takes you on a journey of mysterious caravans, body piercings and bingo. You'll certainly take an active dislike to at least one, if not all of the characters, but that won't stop you getting hooked as you are drawn along into Eric's bizarre world and towards the even crazier heart-stopping finale.

He could see a red heading on one of the letters. That was always bad. There was a bailiff's letterhead on the other, which was worse. How can life be so urgent and so pointless all at the same time? He tore them open. The bailiff's letter was nothing to worry about; it was from the Copeland District Council bailiffs. Full of threats, but Eric happened to know that they didn't even own a van and they had never uplifted goods from any domestic home in Cumbria. He could safely ignore it. The red-headed letter was from Anubis Securities, one of Eric's more persistent creditors. Something in Latin was written at the top of the letter; perhaps dead languages frighten debtors. The letter began curiously: Dear Mr McFarlane, Where did we go wrong? Had they gone wrong as well? Eric thought it was just him.
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