The Voyage of the Short Serpent by Bernard Du Boucheron

The Voyage of the Short Serpent

Bernard Du Boucheron

What might a medieval bishop find on the Norse colony of New Thule (Greenland) if it had been cut off from 'the Fatherland' for a generation? And how might he bring colonists and indigenous people back to God? Read this amazing, surreal, funny and horrifying book to find out. How a French engineer of nearly 80 produced this first novel is one marvel: the book itself is another. Highly recommended.

Ah, miserable creatures, to forget that in order not to offend God, ornament, vanity and extravagance are to be reserved solely for the rich man! For the sumptuousness of his finery deprives him not of the bare necessities; he knows how to allocate his spending in the sparing proportions which allow for the satisfaction of all his needs. Only he whose table is abundant has license to adorn himself.
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