Snow White Turtle Doves by Juliet Bressan

Snow White Turtle Doves

Juliet Bressan

A love story in an unusual setting, told from three perspectives. Harry is wrapped up in his role in the peace movement against the war in Iraq and doesn't pay enough attention to the women in his life. You will be kept guessing until the last pages as to where his true feelings lie.

We were brilliant he thought to himself. We are really getting somewhere. He tried examining the expressions of audience members as they shuffled out of the studio. There were one or two grim-faced, stoical expressions. But the general mood of the audience was of excitement. People were quite animated, discussing all the issues raised. Harry felt delighted - he could see that the level of consciousness was bubbling up, that debates were arising, that people were talking and wanting to know more, to make their own minds up. He felt himself positively glow.
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