Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder by Shamini Flint

Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder

Shamini Flint

Singaporean policeman Inspector Singh finds himself embroiled in a complex murder enquiry when sent to Malaysia to protect the interests of Singapore citizen, Chelsea Liew. An ever growing list of suspects, motives and even victims complicate his investigation into this peculiar Malaysian murder and keep the reader guessing along with him until the last page.

The three men were in the car on the way back to the police station. Each was lost in his own thoughts. There was complete quiet in the car except for the crackling of the police radio. Mohammed and Singh had been policemen for more than thirty years. Shukor was a rookie. But none of them had grown callous despite years of exposure to the least attractive aspects of human nature. It was both their strength and, at moments like these, when their judgement was clouded with sympathy, their weakness.
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