Train to Trieste by Domnica Radulescu

Train to Trieste

Domnica Radulescu

This is a love story set against a background of secret police, hunger, fear and suspicion - of Mona's love for Mihai but also of her love for her country - a love so strong that in spite of her enforced exile, she cannot forget and finally returns. A totally engrossing book – impossible to forget.

This summer I am seventeen, I am bursting into being a woman, and I don't care about empty shops and sugar and flour rations. My blue eyes are blazing. My long limbs are taut and restless. I have wild wheat-coloured hair that flies in all directions and a great hunger in my flesh. All I care about is that this man who is grieving for his dead lover turn his eyes on me, notice my sun-bleached hair, my burning face and shoulders and play one of his melancholy songs for me alone.
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