Red Ink by Julie Mayhew

Red Ink

Julie Mayhew

A gripping and emotional debut coming of age story - a compelling portrayal of a teenager, Melon, in a time of crisis after her mother's death. The book slowly unravels the truth about Melon's birth and her Greek roots; not always a comfortable read but flashes of humour alleviate the all pervading atmosphere of sadness. Love the descriptions of Crete and the way the author really gets into the teen mind, made me really want to root for Melon.

I want to tell Paul that I feel weird about scattering Mum's ashes. There's a part of me that doesn't want to do it. I think of Mum as more real now, more real than when she was alive, and I'm not sure I'm ready to let that go. I say things to the ashes that I could never have said to her when she was actually here, living and breathing. I tell her that I'm sorry for the red ink, for hating her, for not listening to The Story. I tell her I'm sorry for not being at home when the police came to tell me she was dead. Mum used to say that people's spirits carry on doing things after their body has gone. She would have gone home after the accident to tell me what had happened and I wasn't there. I have a lot to make up for.
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