Dust to Dust by Tami Hoag

Dust to Dust

Tami Hoag

Tami Hoag's characters are spiky and very real, with complex relationships and emotions. Kovac and Liska, two detectives with the homicide squad, are assigned to what looks like a simple suicide. But as they delve deeper, their hunches point to something far more sinister. The story unfolds at a cracking pace, and keeps you on the edge until the very last page.

Kovac sat back from the burger, his appetite souring. He's chosen Patrick's out of habit, and regretted it. As always, the place was populated by cops. He had claimed a booth in the rear and put his back to the corner. He felt a little better that way - cornered. He didn't like what Verma had told him or what Logan had alluded to; didn't like the knowledge that if he were to pursue this look into Andy Fallon's life, most of the players would be cops, and there was a fair chance not all of them would be good.
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