Sari and Sins by Nisha Minhas

Sari and Sins

Nisha Minhas

Samir is in love with Cloey, but is forced into an arranged marriage with Kareena. Jordan is in love with Cloey, but moves in with Zara. Cloey just wants a man with a big house and a bank balance to match, and her efforts to play the two men off against each other result in hilarious consequences. Very light and easy to read, but also an insight into the differences between eastern and western influences.

Inside Samir's head brain cells were dying rapidly. Gangs and gangs of cells all trying to help their master out of a spot of bother, realizing the full scope of the problem, then performing acrobatic kamikaze leaps against his skull wall. Cell dead, brain dead, Samir was dead - if he couldn't talk his way out of this.
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